Champions In Service offers a number of programs and services to best support our community.
Many of our programs are created specifically for individuals who are either currently involved with the justice system or who have been in the past. Our programs also support the families of loved ones who are currently or previously justice-involved.
All programs listed are FREE.
Street Intervention
Led by our Executive Director, William "Blinky" Rodriguez, CIS provides 24/7 comprehensive street intervention services that have proven their effectiveness over the years. We employ Community Intervention Workers (CIWs) who are members of the community and have an in-depth understanding of the streets from lived experience.
Our Street Intervention team has been able to create peace and safety in the community and significantly reduce levels of violence.
Court Advocacy
Graffiti Removal
Employment & Education Assistance
Neighborhood Sporting Events
Public Speaking & Trainings
Opportunities to Relocate With Out-of-State Partnerships
Assistance with Funeral Arrangements & Resources
Services offered by our Street Intervention team & CIW's:
Violence Reduction & Interruption Strategies
Promoting Peace & Public Safety
First Responders to Yellow Tape
Gang Retaliation Prevention
Rumor Control
Conflict Mediation
​'Hot-Spot' Surveillance (monitoring future
conflict after violent incident)

Interested in learning more about these services?
Re-Entry Intensive Case Management (R.I.C.M.S.)
Our Re-Entry program works with individuals who have been involved in the justice system. Participants in this program will be given a Case Manager to assist with their needs in order to successfully transition back into society.
Our Re-Entry services include:
Employment Assistance
Housing Assistance
Court Advocacy
Expungement Support
Linkage to Educational Opportunities
Tattoo Removal
Financial Assistance
Tattoo Removal
CIS is one of the few agencies in LA County that offers
pro-bono tattoo removal to all of our participants. ​​
Whether it's to remove visible tattoos in order to increase job opportunities or to remove tattoos that once symbolized gang-affiliation, our tattoo removal service assists participants who are ready for a new chapter in their life.
Due to COVID-19 our tattoo removal services are temporarily unavailable but we are working on ways to continue providing this service safely and hope to be back soon. Stay tuned!

Interested in Tattoo Removal Services?
Gang Reduction & Youth Development (GRYD)
We partner with the Los Angeles Mayor's Office of Gang Reduction and Youth Development (GRYD) to provide gang intervention services to current and/or former gang members, their families, and others affected by the influence of gangs in the San Fernando Valley.

CIS's GRYD program works to help youth develop positive life skills, strengthen family relationships, and create safe communities. We encourage youth to develop their own leadership styles and incorporate positive choices throughout their daily lives.
Each GRYD participant works closely with a case manager who will assist in setting and achieving participant goals, provide participants & their families with supportive services, help youth explore educational & employment opportunities, and much more.
Some services provided to GRYD participants include:
Goal Planning & Development
Financial Family Support
Transportation Support
Community Engagement
Referrals to Resources

Job Trainings & Placements
Enrollment in Educational Opportunities
Court Advocacy
Tattoo Removal
Legal Services
Life Skills Support
We also serve affected neighborhoods through:
Street Violence Intervention
Community Peace Initiatives
Would you or someone you know benefit from these services?
We partner with Los Angeles Mission College (LAMC) to offer our CCRH program, a program specifically created for individuals who have been involved with the justice system and are interested in going back to school. Participants in this program will work closely with a case manager who will assist them in achieving their educational goals while providing additional support services.
The CCRH helps current or previously justice-involved participants transition into a school setting by assisting with:
Applications to Los Angeles Mission College (LAMC)
Enrollment in LAMC Courses
FAFSA/CA DREAM ACT Application(s)
Scheduling Counselor Appointments
Linkage to On-Campus Community Resources
Transportation Services
Accessing Textbooks
Overall Academic Support
College Culture Re-Entry Hub (CCRH)
The CCRH also works with currently incarcerated youth at
Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall.

Interested in enrolling?
The California Violence Intervention & Prevention Program is to support, expand, and replicate evidence-based violence reduction initiatives that seek to interrupt cycles of violence. Strategies eligible for funding could include but are not limited to: hospital-based violence intervention programs, evidence-based street outreach programs, and focused deterrence strategies.
Services Offered:
Gang Intervention
Tattoo Removal
Parenting Classes
Anger Management
Reentry Services
Case Management Referrals:
Job Readiness
Education Assistance
Financial Literacy
Court & School Advocacy
1 on-1 Mentorship & Counseling
Mental & Physical Health, Substance Use Treatment, Employment, Legal Services and much more!
If you or you know someone who would benefit from this program, CIS can help.